
Is Your Gut Health Affecting Your Mood?

gut bacteria

Your gut  has been proven to be your bodies literal “second brain”. For years, the medical world has been trying to figure out what causes our moods to change and what causes common problems that most of us face like stress, anxiety, and even depression. These are common problems, and we know many of them are linked to serotonin, but did you know that 95% of serotonin is actually produced in the gut?

What we put inside of our bellies is directly related to our emotional health. Your intestinal tract is made up of a delicate single cell layer that can be easily compromised by stress; whether by a food that causes inflammation or damage, a parasite, toxins, the list goes on…

Like your skin, this “internal skin” is supposed to keep the bad things out and let the good guys in. However, when it is damaged it loosens up causing what is known as “leaky gut,” letting bad guys come in and party in your body. This can cause a cascade of damage to your immune system, your brain and cognitive ability and emotions.

Our gut consists of bacteria and we need that bacteria to have a healthy balance or the rest of us will not be balanced including our mood. Did you know the average person has around 3 lbs of that bacteria in their gut? Your gut and your brain work together, so if one is out of balance the other will be also. Have you ever had an upset stomach because your mind was stressed? Well, think about it, if it works one way it works both ways. There have been many scientific studies that have linked mood problems to gut problems and vice versa.
I know at one point in my life when depression and anxiety were getting me down I was struggling with my gut health. Despite what would be considered a healthy diet, because of undiagnosed food sensitivities, stress, and a hectic lifestyle my intestines and gut were worn down and that bad bacteria had taken over. I was moody, irritable, and sad… I wouldn’t blame anyone for not wanting to be around me!

When I was able to identify the source of my chronic issues and start eating the diet that was right for ME, I was able to heal my gut, re-balance the bacteria and get my brain back! I felt like a new person! I watch my diet and balance my lifestyle with my gut health in mind now, knowing how much of a difference it has made for me.



Is your gut balanced with the right amount of good and bad bacteria? Or have you been neglecting these friends of yours by feeding those bad guys fuel in sugar and processed foods? Keeping that good bacteria is the recipe for a healthy gut and a healthy mood. The best way to make sure your body has healthy bacteria for your gut is to feed your gut healthy bacteria. Some symptoms of an unhealthy gut balance include gas, bloating, nausea, sugar cravings, yeast infections and more.


One way to make sure that your gut is getting the healthy nourishment it needs is through probiotics. Probiotics can be in pill form, or you can get them right through your diet. Excellent sources of probiotics include kefir and fermented or cultured foods such as my easy Kimchi recipe you can find HERE


Keeping a healthy gut in check will help you to digest food properly, absorb vital nutrients, and maintain a healthy state of mind aka your mood.